Have you been talking about yourself in the first person lately?
I should go to my stepdaughter’s recital, but I’m just not in the mood. She’ll have plenty of other family and friends there.
I just can’t meet up with friends tonight. I know we planned Game Night weeks ago, but I’m just not motivated and don’t feel like being bothered.
I’d rather just stay in bed today. I’ll call out sick and skip the presentation. No one will care if I’m there – my colleagues don’t need me to screw it up.
Maybe worrying seems to be your first (and best) thing.
You feel restless and on edge.
No matter what you do, you can’t shut your brain off. Sleepless nights and eating too little or too much are wreaking havoc on your body and health.
You have muscle tension. You can’t remember the last time your head, back, neck, or shoulders ached this much!
Guilt has become a major part of your life… “Don’t make a mistake! Don’t mess this up! There’s no coming back if you make this decision! Someone’s going to find out what you did!”
You have withdrawn from your family and friends – nothing they say or do could bring any peace or hope.
Remove the restlessness and reboot your life!
In therapy, you will calm your unease. We will work on coping and grounding techniques that will take you from very nervous to very serene.
You’ll learn how to throw out language like “I always fear (this)” or “I could never do (that).” Removing from your vocabulary limiting language like this will leave your mind open to the possibility of “I might not have to fear this all the time,” or “I might be able to do that!”
We will put you on the track toward positive thinking. Positive thinking takes what seems impossible and makes it possible (maybe even probable). Being more positive about your life will lead to incremental successes (small but continued wins – over and over).
Just imagine yourself saying…
It will be nice to see my daughter perform at her recital, and she will appreciate my being there.
I can go to game night. Once I am there, I will get into the game and forget why I didn’t want to go.
When I enjoy the moment, smile, and laugh, my muscle tension goes away.
We will turn can’t into can!
We’ll also lessen your guilty feelings. Many people feel guilty for things they had little to nothing to do with. We will work together to help you recognize what was and was not within your control, and that will give you freedom from the guilt.
Let’s team up and quiet your mind…
… and give you a new perspective that allows you to find joy and hope.
You will feel better leaving treatment, and you’ll even look forward to more.
Don’t let anxiety and depression rule you. Rule them instead!
Contact me today, and we’ll begin the healing process: (380) 201-2072.