When your life gets turned upside down, nothing seems real.
We were married forever. He can’t be gone.
My daughter just got married – she was going to have a family – now she’s gone.
My son – MY SON!
You feel disconnected.
The daily routine you’ve repeated over and over… is gone.
Your friends look at you differently. You feel you don’t fit in anywhere.
You’re probably overwhelmed by terrible mood swings. You sit in the dark for hours. Uncontrollable anger overcomes you. You burst into tears when you smell flowers.
Sleep… what’s that???
You may even feel guilty about getting back to normal – like you are disrespecting your lost loved one.
Some people who grieve intensely never get back to “normal.”
They lose their jobs.
They lose contact with their friends.
They stop speaking to family.
They are alone.
But if you get help, you don’t have to be one of these people.
You CAN begin a path toward self-improvement.
You CAN cope with your loss.
You CAN learn how to live again.
Therapy can lessen the shock and disbelief of your grief.
It will help bring you awareness and understanding of the anger, fear, and guilt you may be feeling. In session, we will identify the exact thoughts that are causing your most volatile emotions. You will learn and practice coping methods to help you live your life better.
We will work to lessen the depression you are feeling. Positives will be highlighted and placed into focus. Negatives will be recognized but lessened.
Planned grief will replace daily grief attacks. You will learn to plan when, where, and how you grieve. Just knowing that you will grieve on your own terms takes power away from those daily pangs of grief.
This is the key to defeating those nasty, negative feelings.
You will have a better attitude about work, friends, family… and your loss.
You will be in better control of your grief and the feelings it causes.
You will live on and honor the memory and the person you love so much.
It’s time for you to live your life.
Let’s team up to help you reconcile your grief and recover from it… so you can get back to living again.
Attack the grief before it attacks you!
Contact me today and take a step toward a new life: (380) 201-2072.