Does your head hurt from anger?
Your heart rate increases.
If one more person cuts me off in traffic, I’m gonna…
You have sweaty palms.
My boss didn’t like my proposal that I worked on for three weeks!
You clench your jaw or wake up with clenched fists.
The gas bill was triple from what it was last month!
Your stomach aches.
My wife won’t stop telling me what I am doing wrong!
You can’t control the shaking and trembling.
The kids, the kids, THE KIDS… THE KIDS!!!”
You sense yourself spiraling out of control, and you know how it’ll end…
Do you get the sense that people are avoiding you out of fear?
Are you constantly negative toward others (and yourself)?
Do you seek revenge instead of peace?
Maybe you judge people without even knowing them for five minutes?
If you do not find relief from this anger and pain, you will compromise your close relationships with your family and friends.
Stop the abusive and verbal negativity to yourself and others.
Remove the need for retaliation.
Stop being so judgmental.
Let’s take you from very volatile to a bit more docile.
When we team up, we will work on coping strategies to help you deal with anger flare-ups.
We will identify the type of anger you have, whether assertive, behavioral, chronic, or passive-aggressive. Several simple assessments can be taken, and there are identifiers for each anger scenario. We’ll determine the “type of angry” that you are.
We will use proven techniques to help you know when you are starting to boil… and how to turn off the pot! There are simple internal things like meditation and breathing exercises that can be used. There are also state and nationally approved anger management programs that can be administered to help you reach your goals.
You will be happier and calmer when you understand why you are angry and learn how to deal with it properly. Your most powerful tool will be your ability to recognize your problem and cut it off before it escalates.
Stop the pain and anguish of being angry all the time…
… and learn to be a better you.
Don’t let anger control your life a moment longer.
Contact me today, and we can get started on the calm, collected you: (380) 201-2072.